Thanks to you, caring donors, FCOA has donated over $8,000.00 in PetSmart gift cards to help our seniors-in-need care for their pets. Pets are wonderful companions for the elderly for many reasons, but sadly there are times when they must decide between providing for their own needs or their pet’s needs. You can agree this is unacceptable. Our fund is running low. We are reaching out again for monetary donations to continue to provide these gift cards as need is determined. A donation of any size will be greatly appreciated, you can mail a check made payable to FCOA with Pet Fund written on the memo line and addressed to FCOA, 68 Elm Street Amesbury MA 01913; drop off a sealed envelope at the Senior Center with FCOA Pet Fund written on the envelope; or use the Donate button on our Facebook Post: Friends of the Amesbury Council on Aging, Inc.